Diego Martínez of Figer Brands: Content has become the brand’s blood

Manuela Walfenzao| 7 de junio de 2016

Diego Martínez, fundador y CEO de Figer Brands

Paula Cutuli, Founder of Soulnet and Diego Martínez, Founder & CEO at Fiber Brands, shared the second day of the Social Media Week Mexico, with a talk called Listen before talking, building identity through social listening. “Among the great changes of the digital era is multiscreen life, conversation as a two-way dynamic and content as the engine that drives relevance” Martínez said. “Content has become the brand’s blood and this makes digital investments to grow increasingly. Despite this, at the end the brand’s identity doesn’t change, it must be in mind and in the audience’s heart. On and Offline are two sides of the same coin, for a millennial they are the same. It’s simply a matter of channels.” Both explained that the challenge is discarding the immediate and including the long term when drawing a brand strategy, even if it is in digital. “Which are the conversation topics I’m going to use to build that brand identity? Should I learn to listen to change and reconsider what works or not? Brands c0-create in some point, because everything in digital is too fast and answers to conversation” Martínez added. “Now we have many tools that offer a lot of information that we never had when working with brands” said Cutuli. “Social listening allows us to know what is being said about my brand and the feelings shared outside my walls.”

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